Is There a Deadline for Name Change After Marriage?

How much time do you have to change your name after getting married? And how might you avoid getting consumed by the consequences of waiting too long to meet your deadlines?
Today you'll learn to schedule and order your name change chronology, from your social security card and passport, to your driver's license or REAL ID.
Is there an actual name change deadline?
No, there's no hard deadline to change your name after marriage. You don't have to immediately update your social security card or driver's license after your wedding. You'll never be barred from changing your name for waiting too long.
However, once you start the name change process, you'll activate deadlines and time limits that affect the duration, expense, and effort involved in completing your name change.
Your name change is like a jar of honey
Think of your name change like a sealed jar of honey. As long as you keep it unopened and don't initiate the process of updating the name on your social security card, there's no expiration date—you can wait as long as you'd like.

Your marriage certificate doesn't expire, so you can change your name any time after getting married without rushing, whether right after your honeymoon, or even many years later.
However, the moment you crack open that jar and file your paperwork, various state-level DMV deadlines commence, akin to the crystallization process in honey.
But keep in mind that the longer you wait to change your name, the more it may cost you in terms of time, money, and energy spent due to shifting requirements.
When does your name change begin?
Suppose you've completed a name change event:
- Marriage
- Divorce or annulment
- Court-petitioned name change
And you have a name change document proving said event:
- Marriage certificate
- Divorce decree
- Court order
Your name doesn't automatically change the moment you get married, divorced, or secure a judge-approved court order, even with a certified document proving it took place.
By and large, the name change process actually begins once the Social Security Administration (SSA) updates your name in their records.
The SSA plays a key role, serving as a root authority. Other agencies, such as the IRS and DMVs, rely on the SSA, while the SSA operates independently without dependencies.
That's why following the right steps matters just as much as timing. With our online name change kit, you can handle everything in order without the guesswork.
Social security notification deadline
The Social Security Administration has a two-year rule for social security card name changes. Their identity verification standards are stricter after two years.

Meaning, your name change document may serve as primary ID—in place of photo ID—if your name change event took place within two years. This simplifies name change by mail.
For instance, if you got married 23 months ago, you have one month left to change the name on your social security card by mail using just your marriage certificate; no need to include your driver's license, passport, or other photo ID.
There's no penalty beyond the added inconvenience of including ID in your mailed paperwork. (You could always change your name in person instead of mail to escape this burden.)
Driver's license notification deadline
Most U.S. states have laws that dictate when you must notify the driver's license authority—e.g., DMV, DOT, DPS, BMV, MVA—that you have changed your name or address.

Note: We'll use DMV as shorthand for your state's Department of Motor Vehicles.
What do your state's laws require?
The most common name change notification intervals are 10, 30, and 60 days, as shown in the following table. This data is sourced from official state government statutes and resources.
State | Deadline |
Alabama | None |
Alaska | 30 days |
Arizona | 10 days |
Arkansas | 30 days |
California | None |
Colorado | 30 days |
Connecticut | None: 48 hours notice only applies to change of address with $92 infraction fee (fine and surcharge) |
Delaware | 30 days |
District of Columbia | None: 60 days notice only applies to change of address |
Florida | 30 days with $30 violation fine |
Georgia | 60 days |
Hawaii | 30 days with maximum $25 violation fine |
Idaho | None |
Illinois | 10 days |
Indiana | 30 days |
Iowa | None: 30 days notice only applies to change of address |
Kansas | 10 days |
Kentucky | 10 days |
Louisiana | 10 days |
Maine | 30 days |
Maryland | 30 days |
Massachusetts | 30 days |
Michigan | None: Requirement to "immediately" notify only applies to change of address with maximum $93 to $111 civil infraction fine |
Minnesota | 30 days |
Mississippi | 30 days |
Missouri | None |
Montana | None: 10 days notice only applies to change of address |
Nebraska | 60 days |
Nevada | None: 30 day provision repealed in 2017 |
New Hampshire | 30 days |
New Jersey | 14 days |
New Mexico | 10 days with $25 penalty assessment misdemeanor |
New York | None: 10 days notice only applies to change of address with $75 to $300 violation fine |
North Carolina | 60 days |
North Dakota | 10 days |
Ohio | None: 10 days notice only applies to change of address |
Oklahoma | 10 days |
Oregon | 30 days with $115 Class D traffic violation fine |
Pennsylvania | 15 days |
Rhode Island | 10 days with $85 violation fine specific to vehicle registration (not license) |
South Carolina | 10 days |
South Dakota | None |
Tennessee | 10 days |
Texas | 30 days with maximum $20 violation fine |
Utah | None: 10 days notice only applies to change of address with $50 infraction fine |
Vermont | 30 days |
Virginia | None: 30 days notice only applies to change of address for license and registration with $5 violation fine |
Washington | 10 days |
West Virginia | 20 days with maximum $500 misdemeanor violation fine, but exempt from six-month imprisonment clause |
Wisconsin | 30 days with maximum $50 violation fine |
Wyoming | 10 days |
These timeframes are trivial if you were only changing your address; many DMVs offer change of address online or by mail. But name change requires two extra components:
- Changing your name in person
- Updating your social security record beforehand
Explaining what it means to notify
What does it mean when your state driver's license office says you must notify them of your address or name change within a specific number of days—10, 30, 60, or whatnot?
The DMV doesn't receive automated alerts about your name change intentions from other institutions at the federal, state, county, city, or court level. You must do the notifying.

For example, here's Texas' notification statute (the language is similar across states):
[You] shall notify the department of the change not later than the 30th day after the date on which the change takes effect and apply for a duplicate license
Example name change statute.
But what does "notify" mean?
- Sending an email
- Making a phone call, or
- Submitting a form online or by mail
And what does "of the change" and "change takes effect" represent?
- The day you get married
- The day your marriage license is recorded, or
- The moment you receive your marriage certificate
Here's the real-world translation:
You must apply for a new driver's license, REAL ID, or state-issued ID card—in person—within 30 days of changing the name on your social security record.
Clarified rewording of the prior example name change statute.
Not 30 days from your marriage, divorce, or other name change event, but counting from when the Social Security Administration updates your record.
Driver's license and social security names must match
You may have noticed throughout this page references to your social security record, not your social security card. Your "record" is what's used by your driver's license office.
First, the DMV will use your marriage certificate, divorce decree, or court order to validate both your name change event and requested new name. But that alone isn't enough.

DMVs in every U.S. state and territory (excluding the Virgin Islands) perform real-time name and SSN verifications through the Social Security Online Verification (SSOLV) system.

Your driver's license name change depends on your social security name change finishing first. Your name change will get rejected if they discover an identity mismatch.
Caution: Space out your social security and driver's license name changes by 24 to 48 hours to allow time for the SSA's database to refresh before it gets queried.
Penalties for not reporting
You may incur a penalty for failing to report your address or name change to the DMV within the allotted time frame. For instance, Florida imposes a $30 fine, while Oregon's is $115.

At worst, failing to report your address or name change will result in a monetary penalty. You won't face criminal charges or get your license suspended.
Complying with the law when time is limited
Abiding by narrow time constraints may be challenging, even if you're intent on following the spirit and letter of the law by expediting your name change.

Your DMV's name change deadlines may appear difficult or impossible to honor, given their expectation that your social security name change gets finished first.
Waiting for your new social security card to arrive by mail—which takes 7 to 14 calendar days—may conflict with or exceed tight state notification deadlines.
In such cases, you can verify your social security name change status over the phone with the local SSA office that processed your paperwork, whether submitted in person or by mail.

So you can update your driver's license name before your new social security card arrives; just wait at least 24 to 48 hours after filing with the SSA for the SSA's system to refresh.
Passport notification deadline
The U.S. State Department doesn't exact penalties for failure to change the name or address associated with your passport. You could even renew your passport in your old name.
If your honeymoon is imminent and you don't have time to update your passport, you may travel under your maiden name as long as your airline tickets match.

Your passport's age affects renewal fees, forms, and steps. Waiting too long risks increased fees and rules out the convenience of mailing your paperwork.

If your passport is less than one year old, you can renew it by mail for free using Form DS-5504. This is when good timing and expeditiousness can save you money.
Between one and 15 years, fees above $100 kick in via Form DS-82. Mail renewal is still an option. Beyond 15 years, higher fees and in-person filing are required via Form DS-11.
IRS notification deadline
When you change the name on your social security card, the SSA will automatically alert the IRS that your name has changed.

The name on your tax returns, W-2s, 1099s, and employee records must agree with the SSA's records. This can push against federal tax filing deadlines, resulting in tax return delays.
Review our IRS name change guide for guidance on how and when to start your name change so that it doesn't disrupt your tax filings, now or in the future.
Deadline to final destination
There's no cut-off-point deadline for changing your name after marriage, divorce, or court order. But target dates in between may make your life harder when they're past due.
Two key takeaways:
- Don't procrastinate.
- Don't start what you can't finish.
And a third takeaway: get started. Our online name change kit can help guide you through the name change process, specific to your timetable.
Toggle Sources
- Alabama Legislature. Ala. Code § 32-6-1: Required; Expiration Date; Renewal; Identification Cards for Nondrivers.
- Alaska State Legislature. Alaska Stat. § 28.05.071: Change of Name or Address.
- American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators. IT Systems Participation Map.
- Arizona State Legislature. Ariz. Rev. Stat. § 28-448: Notice of Address or Name Change; Address Update; Civil Traffic Violation; Definition.
- Arkansas State Legislature. Ark. Code § 27-16-506: Notice of Change of Address or Name.
- California Legislature. Cal. Veh. Code § 12815: Duplicate If Driver’s License Lost, Destroyed, or Mutilated, or New Name Acquired.
- Colorado General Assembly. Colo. Rev. Stat. § 42-2-119: Notices – Change of Address or Name.
- Connecticut General Assembly. Conn. Gen. Stat. § 14-17a: Notice of Change in Registrant’s Address.
- Connecticut Judicial Branch. Superior Court Mail-in Violations and Infractions Schedule.
- DC DMV. Change of Address.
- Delaware General Assembly. 2 Del. Admin. Code § 2217-5.0: Personal Identity: Name, Date of Birth and Gender.
- Florida Senate. Fla. Stat. § 318.18: Amount of Penalties.
- Florida Senate. Fla. Stat. § 322.19: Change of Address or Name.
- Georgia General Assembly. Ga. Code § 40-5-33: Change of Address or Name.
- Hawaii State Legislature. Haw. Rev. Stat. § 286-116.5: Notice of Change of Address or Name; Penalty.
- Idaho Legislature. Idaho Code § 49-319: Expiration and Renewal of Driver’s License.
- Illinois Secretary of State. Driver’s License/State ID Card.
- Indiana General Assembly. Ind. Code § 9-24-13-4: Application for Amended License or Permit due to Change in Residence or Name.
- Internal Revenue Service. A Name Change Affects a Tax Return.
- Iowa Department of Transportation. Iowa Admin. Code R. 761-605.12: Address Changes.
- Kansas Legislature. Kan. Stat. § 8-248: Notice of Change of Address or Name.
- Kentucky General Assembly. Ky. Rev. Stat. § 186.540: Application for Corrected License or Identification Card upon Change of Address or Name.
- Louisiana State Legislature. La. Rev. Stat. § 32:406: Licensee Must Give Notice of Change of Address.
- Maine Legislature. Me. Stat. Tit. 29-A, § 1407: Change of Location or Status.
- Maryland General Assembly. Md. Code, Transp. § 16-116: Notice of Change of Address or Name.
- Massachusetts Legislature. Mass. Gen. Laws Ch. 90, § 26A: Licenses and Learner’s Permits; Reporting Changes of Name and Address.
- Michigan Legislature. Mich. Comp. Laws § 257.315: Operator’s and Chauffeur’s License; Change of Address; Notice; Use of Residence Address on Qualified Voter File; Failure to Report Change; Violation; Penalty; Nonappealability.
- Michigan State Court Administrative Office. Costs Total Recommended Range of Fines and Costs for Civil Infractions.
- Minnesota Legislature. Minn. Stat. § 171.11: Duplicate License; Change of Domicile or Name.
- Mississippi State Legislature. Miss. Code § 63-1-19: Application for License; Notification of Change of Address or Name by Licensee.
- Missouri General Assembly. Mo. Rev. Stat. Ch. 301: Duplicate License; Change of Domicile or Name.
- Montana Legislature. Mont. Code Ann. § 61-5-115: Notice of Change of Address.
- Nebraska Legislature. Neb. Rev. Stat. § 60-4,120: Operator’s License; State Identification Card; Replacement.
- Nevada Legislature. Nev. Rev. Stat. § 483.390: Notice of Change of Address (Repealed 2017).
- Nevada Legislature. Nev. Rev. Stat. § 483.390: Notice of Change of Address.
- New Hampshire General Court. N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 263:9: Change of Name or Address.
- New Jersey Legislature. N.J. Rev. Stat. § 39:3-9a: Legal Name of Licensee; Endorsement.
- New Mexico Legislature. N.M. Stat. Ann. § 66-5-22: Notice of Change of Address or Name.
- New Mexico Legislature. N.M. Stat. Ann. § 66-8-116: Penalty Assessment Misdemeanors; Definition; Schedule of Assessments.
- New York State Legislature. N.Y. Veh. & Traf. Law § 505: Duplicate and Amended Licenses and Permits; Change of Address.
- New York State Legislature. N.Y. Veh. & Traf. Law § 509: Violations.
- North Carolina General Assembly. N.C. Gen. Stat. § 20-7.1: Notice of Change of Address or Name.
- North Dakota Legislative Branch. N.D. Cent. Code § 39-06-20: Notice of Change of Address or Name.
- Ohio General Assembly. Ohio Rev. Code § 4507.06: Form and Content of Application for License.
- Ohio General Assembly. Ohio Rev. Code § 4507.09: Expiration and Renewal of License.
- Oklahoma Legislature. Okla. Stat. Tit. 47, § 6-116: Notice of Change of Address or Name.
- Oregon State Legislature. Or. Rev. Stat. § 153.019: Presumptive Fines; Generally.
- Oregon State Legislature. Or. Rev. Stat. § 807.560: Failure to Notify Department upon Change of Address or Name; Rules; Penalty.
- Pennsylvania General Assembly. 75 Pa. C.S. § 1515: Notice of Change of Name or Address.
- Rhode Island General Assembly. 6 R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-3-35: Notice of Change of Name.
- Rhode Island General Assembly. 6 R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-10-32: Notice of Change of Address or Name.
- Rhode Island General Assembly. 6 R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-41.1-4: Schedule of Violations.
- Social Security Administration. POMS: GN 03314.155 – Automated Data Exchanges between the Social Security Administration (SSA) and State Agencies.
- South Carolina Legislature. S.C. Code § 56-1-230: Notification of Change of Address or Name.
- South Dakota Legislature. S.D. Codified Laws Ch. 32-12: Driver Licenses and Permits.
- Tennessee General Assembly. Tenn. Code Ann. § 55-50-333: Change of Address.
- Texas Legislature. Tex. Transp. Code § 521.054: Notice of Change of Address or Name.
- Utah Legislature. Utah Code § 53-3-216: Change of Address; Duty of Licensee to Notify Division within 10 Days; Change of Name; Proof Necessary; Method of Giving Notice by Division.
- Utah State Courts. Uniform Fine Schedule.
- Vermont General Assembly. Vt. Stat. Tit. 23, § 205: Notification of Change of Name or Address.
- Virginia General Assembly. Va. Code § 46.2-324: Applicants and License Holders to Notify Department of Change of Address; Fee.
- Virginia General Assembly. Va. Code § 46.2-606: Notice of Change of Address.
- Washington State Legislature. Wash. Rev. Code § 46.20.205: Change of Address or Name.
- West Virginia Legislature. W. Va. Code § 17B-2-13: Notice of Change of Address or Name.
- West Virginia Legislature. W. Va. Code § 17B-5-1: Violations of Chapter; Penalty for Misdemeanor.
- Wisconsin State Legislature. Wis. Stat. § 343.22: Notice of Change of Address or Name.
- Wyoming Legislature. Wyo. Stat. § 31-7-137: Proof of Receipt of Notice or Order; Change of Address or Name.